38 astrology x files transit
X Files Astrology Transits - Heaven's Child X Files Astrology Transits information. All you want to know about X Files Astrology Transits at our website. X Files Astrology Transits. Heaven's Child is a good place to find info about X Files Astrology Transits. Our astrology website has a lot of X Files Astrology Transits information. Check out the links provided below! Astrology X-Files A list of articles about obscure subjects in astrology dubbed x-files because of their unusual nature. ... in 1997 due to the fact that most astrology software companies were ignoring our requests from Project Hindsight to include these techniques. Date Title and Description. 1-1-2021 Predictions for the ... Transiting Planets; Relationships;
Astrology X Files Saturn Transit - Heaven's Child Heaven's Child is a good place to find info about Astrology X Files Saturn Transit. Our astrology website has a lot of Astrology X Files Saturn Transit information. Check out the links provided below!

Astrology x files transit
Mercury Square or Opposite Mars - w.astrology-x-files.com Transiting Mercury square or opposite your natal Mars. This is a time when you are likely to be agitated. You may be prone to impulsive actions, uncurtailed speech, or slips of the tongue. So you can probably expect a fair amount of hostility. Avoid negotiations now until the air clears. You are capable of debate and argument at this time if ... Transits of the Planets - astrology-x-files.com one can have a very tight transit to an unimportant planet that has little emphasis in the natal chart because it has not been activated as a time lord, falls "achrematistikos" (an untelling position), etc, whereas another planet that is in full bloom because it is activated as lord of the times can get a transit with a very wide "orb" and be …
Astrology x files transit. Transits of the Planets - astrology-x-files.com one can have a very tight transit to an unimportant planet that has little emphasis in the natal chart because it has not been activated as a time lord, falls "achrematistikos" (an untelling position), etc, whereas another planet that is in full bloom because it is activated as lord of the times can get a transit with a very wide "orb" and be … Mercury Square or Opposite Mars - w.astrology-x-files.com Transiting Mercury square or opposite your natal Mars. This is a time when you are likely to be agitated. You may be prone to impulsive actions, uncurtailed speech, or slips of the tongue. So you can probably expect a fair amount of hostility. Avoid negotiations now until the air clears. You are capable of debate and argument at this time if ...
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